Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Diabetic, need help with test strips etc?

I have found a site that might help you out if you need test strips to test your sugars. It is Abbott Labs. I have a friend that qualified for it a few years ago so it is an ongoing thing.

Seems to be a well put together site that is easy to navigate to the topic you need to access. I hope this helps and of course share it with those that you love that may have a need for this.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Presciption coupons?

I have found a site and thought it good to share here. I saw that they even have coupons for pet medicine. Check it out, I hope it helps folks, if not you, then share it with someone you know that could use this site to get coupons to extend what money we all have left.

Good at CVS, Walgreens, WalMart, Target and perhaps more.
Coupons are listed in categories so it would be easy to find what is needed. Has a search feature also so you could enter what you seek and go straight to it.
They offer $6 dollars for you telling them of a coupon that is not on their site.
Seems a good thing to use, again, I hope I have helped someone.